Premium descaler
The powerful but gentle branded descaler for all high-quality coffee and espresso machines. The handy 500ml bottle is predestined for use in private households. The concentrate is sufficient for 5 complete descaling processes.
Our descaler contains 6 top-quality additives, which ensure corrosion protection of metal parts and also help to safeguard the plastic components. Therefore, hot descaling is possible without any problems. The descaler for professionals now also for your home.

Premium descaler tablets
Our Premium descaler as a tab. Easy to dose. Simply place the tab in the water tank. Same effect and just as gentle thanks to the additives. Metal and plastic parts are optimally protected.
For the regular descaling of high-quality coffee and espresso machines of all conventional brands. This tablets dissolve very quickly, even in cold water. Each of the 6 tablets is sufficient for one full descaling process.

Premium Function Oil
Our food-safe lubricating oil in the practical aerosol can is ideal for lubricating the brewing unit, hinges and other parts of the coffee machine. This can prevent irritating noises and wear. The application options are so versatile – our Function Oil even loosens seized parts and makes stiff mechanisms flexible again. Due to the NSF H1 approval, our oil is also suitable for areas coming into contact with food.
Areas that are difficult to access can be easily reached and precisely lubricated by using the extended outlet tube.

Premium cleaning tablets
Our Premium cleaning tablets provide professional cleaning for perfect espresso and coffee quality. The special cleaning formula effectively and completely removes coffee grease and coffee oil residues.
The removal of these residues not only gives you a purer coffee flavour, but is also gentle to your coffee machine at the same time. It is so easy to avoid excess pressure caused by clogged strainers. Thanks to the airtight single packaging, each tablet always maintains its full cleaning power. 10 tablets for 10 applications.

Premium cleaning powder
Our “powerful” cleaning powders for a quick cleaning of the brewing group. The enclosed measuring spoon ensures optimal use.
Professional cleaning for perfect espresso and coffee quality. The special cleaning formula effectively and completely removes coffee grease and coffee oil residues. This not only gives you a purer coffee flavour, but is also gentle to your coffee machine at the same time. Excess pressure caused by clogged strainers is avoided. 1000g, sufficient for approx. 250 applications.

Pronto CremaClean
The milk system cleaner for all milk-carrying devices. Simple, hygienic and clean. During the cleaning process, our product removes all fat and protein deposits that develop when making cappuccino or caffe latte in a foodsafe manner.
The cleaning agent is particularly economical thanks to its concentrated formula. A quantity of only 20 ml is sufficient for an application. The 500 ml bottle is sufficient for up to 25 cleaning processes.

Grinder cleaner
The grinder cleaner offers professional cleaning for all types of grinders, especially for coffee machines. The combination of coffee beans as a natural carrier material and highly efficient cleaning formula removes contamination without leaving any residues. Especially coffee grease and oils, which are responsible for the bitter aftertaste, are completely removed. The grinder cleaner saves a lot of work, as a thorough and complete cleaning process used to entail the entire disassembly of the grinder unit.
The grinder cleaner saves a lot of work, as a thorough and complete cleaning process used to entail the entire disassembly of the mill unit. Each of the two sachets is sufficient for one full cleaning process.

Coffee Clean
The cleaner for inside your fully automatic coffee machine, which additionally conditions and protects. Unique on the market.
Never before was it so easy to keep your fully automatic coffee machine hygienically clean. Even coffee grease does not present a problem and can be easily removed using the special cleaning formula. And best of all – the important silicone-based sliding greases remain untouched. Therefore it is unnecessary to re-lubricate the moving parts after cleaning. The 250 ml spray bottle is extremely economical.

Cover Clean
Cover Clean cleans, conditions and protects the outside of your coffee machine. Many surfaces are sensitive and difficult to clean. We have developed an innovative cleaning formula that removes all normal types of contamination.
The materials are cleaned thoroughly, but gently. Your coffee machine now shines with a new brilliance, as on the very first day. Even stubborn coffee grease, as well as dirt and dust, is easily dissolved and can then be simply wiped off. Very economical 50 ml bottle with atomiser and microfibre cloth.